

Din sökning på "zoom" gav 2503 sökträffar

Ny interaktiv dashboard lanseras

Publicerad 22 juli 2020 COVID Symptom Study Sverige lanserar i dag den 22 juli 2020 en interaktiv lösning online för presentation av våra prediktioner och kartor. På denna s.k. dashboard kan våra deltagare och allmänheten hitta följande dagsaktuella information:Sverigekarta med uppskattad andel pågående covid-19-infektion för olika datum (bläddringsbar)Sverigekarta med sökbar information per län o

https://www.covid19app.lu.se/artikel/ny-interaktiv-dashboard-lanseras - 2025-03-10

Ny nationell studenthälsoportal lanseras 15 januari

Av agata [dot] garpenlind [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Agata Garpenlind) - publicerad 10 januari 2024 Här ska studenter kunna få hjälp med sina frågor om hälsa. Och bra att känna till, för dig som arbetar nära studenterna. På studenthälsa.se får studenter på högskolor och universitet, oavsett studieform och lärosäte, tips och råd för att må bättre. Portalen är ett komplement till, inte en ersättnin

https://www.intramed.lu.se/artikel/ny-nationell-studenthalsoportal-lanseras-15-januari - 2025-03-09

Utlysning av Teman och Advanced Study Groups vid Pufendorfinstitutet

Av cecilia [dot] von_arnold [at] lucsus [dot] lu [dot] se (Cecilia von Arnold) - publicerad 8 oktober 2021 Nu är Pufendorfinstitutets årliga utlysningar öppna. Anställda vid Lunds universitet inbjuds att ansöka om möjligheten att få forma ett Tema eller en Advanced Study Group vid institutet. På Pufendorfinstitutet ges forskare från olika discipliner vid Lunds universitet möjlighet att under ett å

https://www.pi.lu.se/artikel/utlysning-av-teman-och-advanced-study-groups-vid-pufendorfinstitutet - 2025-03-09

Pedagogiska dilemman i ämneslärarutbildningen utifrån omställning till distansundervisning

Publicerad 10 juni 2020 Sinikka Neuhaus reflekterar nedan om sina erfarenheter kring kursen Läraren och skolan (7,5 hp), som är den första av åtta utbildningsvetenskapliga kärnkurser inom det långa sammanhållna ämneslärarprogrammet vid Lunds universitet. Även om studenterna läst 45 hp i sina ämnen är det första gången alla programstudenter, 75 till antalet, samlas i en och samma kurs. När beskedet

https://www.education.lu.se/artikel/pedagogiska-dilemman-i-amneslararutbildningen-utifran-omstallning-till-distansundervisning - 2025-03-09

Preparing for a changing landscape in first and second cycle education

Published 13 December 2021 The pandemic brought many abrupt changes for the faculty’s deputy dean Karin Hall. But she is used to change, having grown up in both Svalöv and Los Angeles. After working in a kind of state of emergency for 18 months, Karin Hall is now looking towards the future. On the deputy dean’s wish-list is further development of education, reduction of bureaucracy for teaching st

https://www.science.lu.se/article/preparing-changing-landscape-first-and-second-cycle-education - 2025-03-09

PhD defence interview - Yiyi Yang

By martina [dot] svensson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Martina Svensson) - published 27 May 2021 Yiyi Yang defends her PhD thesis on Thursday 3rd June 2021. During her Ph.D. studies, Yiyi Yang has been investigating the role of microglia in the pathological development of Alzheimer’s disease. On the 3rd of June, it is time to defend her work supervised by Prof. Tomas Deierborg. Now, Yiyi tells us a

https://www.multipark.lu.se/article/phd-defence-interview-yiyi-yang - 2025-03-09

Easier with formative assessment

By bjorn [dot] fritz [at] kultur [dot] lu [dot] se (Björn Fritz) - published 8 March 2021 As long as we need to examination remotley, we will need to do it in partly new ways. There are no methods for "translating" an examination on campus into the same examination done at home, and different forms of examination handle the adjustments needed differently. Photo by pan xiaozhen on Unsplash Home exa

https://www.education.lu.se/en/article/easier-formative-assessment - 2025-03-09

A better course with formative examination

By bjorn [dot] fritz [at] kultur [dot] lu [dot] se (Björn Fritz) - published 4 March 2021 As long as we need to examine remotely, we will need to examine in partly new ways. There are no methods for "translating" an on-campus examination into an identical remote examination, but rather, different forms of examination cope with the transition to varying degrees. Photo by pan xiaozhen on Unsplash Ex

https://www.education.lu.se/en/article/better-course-formative-examination - 2025-03-09

Educational dilemmas on the subject teacher training programme when switching to remote teaching

Published 6 August 2020 Below, Sinikka Neuhaus reflects on her experiences of the course The Teacher and School (7.5 credits), which is the first of eight core courses in educational sciences within the extensive cohesive subject teacher training programme at Lund University. Although the students had already studied 45 credits in their respective subjects, this was the first time that all 75 prog

https://www.education.lu.se/en/article/educational-dilemmas-subject-teacher-training-programme-when-switching-remote-teaching - 2025-03-09

Summary of ClimBEco winter meeting 2021

Published 29 January 2021 The different disciplines represented at the ClimBEco winter meeting 2021. The theme of the ClimBEco annual meeting was “Multidisciplinary learning environments – seizing their opportunities and avoiding their pitfalls”. After an icebreaker that included seeing some sweet ‘corona-pets’ in the screens, we brought ourselves onto the level of metaphysics and the multiple way

https://www.becc.lu.se/article/summary-climbeco-winter-meeting-2021 - 2025-03-09

Summary of ClimBEco winter meeting 2021

Published 18 February 2021 The theme of the ClimBEco annual meeting was “Multidisciplinary learning environments – seizing their opportunities and avoiding their pitfalls”. After an icebreaker that included seeing some sweet ‘corona-pets’ in the screens, we brought ourselves onto the level of metaphysics and the multiple ways of knowing about the world. We considered the epistemological breadth in

https://www.merge.lu.se/article/summary-climbeco-winter-meeting-2021 - 2025-03-09

The Swedish diabetes summit brings together diabetes researchers for new collaborations

By petra [dot] olsson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Petra Olsson) - published 28 January 2022 The Swedish diabetes summits are organised by the two Swedish strategic research areas within diabetes. Photo: Kennet Ruona The fourth Swedish diabetes summit will be held as an online meeting on the 10th and 11th of February. The meeting brings together diabetes researchers in Sweden for new interactions a

https://www.ludc.lu.se/article/swedish-diabetes-summit-brings-together-diabetes-researchers-new-collaborations - 2025-03-09

Supporting controversial studies in eastern Europe

By jan [dot] olsson [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Jan Olsson) - published 17 February 2023 Jan Olof Nilsson. Photo: Private Gender studies is not something to engage in. This is a common statement in eastern Europe, where there is major resistance and study programmes are under constant threat of closure. Now the Department of Sociology and the Department of Gender Studies in Lund are join

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/supporting-controversial-studies-eastern-europe - 2025-03-10

Sepsisfonden tilldelas prestigefyllda Global Sepsis Awards 2020 - prisceremoni

Publicerad 11 maj 2021 Foto: Adam Linder och Ulrika Knutsson Som vi tidigare rapporterat tilldelades Sepsisfonden Global Sepsis Award 2020. I dag är det dags för priset att delas ut under en digital livesänd prisceremoni till Sepsisfondens grundare Adam Linder, docent och infektionsforskare vid Institutionen för kliniska vetenskaper i Lund och överläkare vid Skånes universitetssjukhus och Ulrika K

https://www.medicin.lu.se/artikel/sepsisfonden-tilldelas-prestigefyllda-global-sepsis-awards-2020-prisceremoni - 2025-03-09

Boka möten via Canvas

Publicerad 8 december 2020 Hej, jag vill boka en tid för vägledning! Vänliga hälsningar Lisa Vi känner alla igen de direkta och korta mailen, ofta undertecknade endast med förnamn. När vi har läst meddelandet inleds en process som i värsta fall tar flera dagar. En av universitetets studievägledare har kallat det som nu följer för ”E-Bingo”.  Photo by Samantha Borges on Unsplash Glad och profession

https://www.education.lu.se/artikel/boka-moten-canvas - 2025-03-09

Nu finns Padlet utan begränsningar på LU!

Publicerad 2 februari 2021 Foto: You X Ventures på Unsplash.com Padlet kan ses som en anslagstavla online som kan användas för kommunikation, interaktion och samarbete. Man kan skapa inlägg med texter, bilder, länkar eller film genom att klicka på padletytan och skriva.  Olika sätt att använda Padlet Ytterligare en anledning till att Padlet har blivit så populärt är att det är så enkelt att skapa

https://www.education.lu.se/artikel/nu-finns-padlet-utan-begransningar-pa-lu - 2025-03-09

PhD defence interview - Nadja Gustavsson

By martina [dot] svensson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Martina Svensson) - published 14 October 2021 During her thesis project, Nadja Gustavsson has characterized structural changes inside neurons of a new mouse model for mixed neurogenerative disorders. On the 21st of October, she is defending her thesis supervised by Oxana Klementieva. In this interview, Nadja shares her ups and downs during her

https://www.multipark.lu.se/article/phd-defence-interview-nadja-gustavsson - 2025-03-09

Ph.D. defence interview - Laura Andreoli

By martina [dot] svensson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Martina Svensson) - published 6 December 2021 Laura Andreoli defends her thesis on the 14th of December 2021. Ph.D. student Laura Andreoli spent several years digging into the neural pathways involved in involuntary movements in Parkinson’s disease. On the 14th of December, she defends her thesis. And she is eager to share her findings and thou

https://www.multipark.lu.se/article/phd-defence-interview-laura-andreoli - 2025-03-09